If Prop 1 is approved:
KCFD 40 will be annexed into Renton RFA’s service jurisdiction permanently, meaning Renton RFA will provide fire and emergency medical services to KCFD 40 on a permanent basis moving forward.
The current $6.3 million contract for services between KCFD 40 and Renton RFA will be eliminated and funding for those services will be provided under the same type of two-part funding system that KCFD 40 property owners already operate under.
The contracts for IT and Fire Marshal services between KCFD 40 and Renton RFA will also be eliminated, as those services would be provided to the Fairwood community as part of Renton RFA. Administrative responsibilities that currently create additional workload and an overhead expense for KCFD 40 Fire Commissioners will be assumed by Renton RFA administrative staff.
Funding for KCFD 40 capital projects, such as fire station updates/replacement or the purchase of a new fire engine or aid unit, will be spread across all taxpayers within Renton RFA’s jurisdiction, rather than being solely funded by KCFD 40 taxpayers.
KCFD 40 will increase their representation on the Renton RFA Governance Board from one non-voting member to two voting members.
Adjustments in service to the Fairwood community will become more agile, as they can be identified and implemented without the delay of a contract negotiation and addendum.
If Prop 1 is rejected:
KCFD 40 will continue to contract with Renton RFA for fire and emergency medical services, paying an annual contract fee of $6.3 million (this figure reflects the 2025 contract fee and may fluctuate in the future).
KCFD 40 taxpayers will remain solely responsible for funding KCFD 40 capital projects, IT and Fire Marshal contract fees, and administrative costs for KCFD 40 Fire Commissioners.
KCFD 40 will continue to have one non-voting member on the Renton RFA Governance Board and amendments to service will require a formal addendum to the contract between KCFD 40 and Renton RFA.
Both KCFD 40 and Renton RFA use the same two-part funding model—a property tax levy and a fire benefit charge. In 2023, voters in both KCFD 40 and Renton RFA’s jurisdictions approved a property tax levy lid lift of $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed property value with an adjustment for inflation over the following five years. This funding model will not change if Prop 1 is passed.
Currently, KCFD 40 has one non-voting member on the Renton RFA Governance Board. If Proposition 1 is approved, KCFD 40 will have two voting seats on the board, giving residents more direct representation in decisions affecting fire and emergency services.
No, the level of fire and emergency medical services provided to KCFD 40 will remain the same whether Proposition 1 is approved or rejected. If approved, adjustments to service will not require contract negotiations or an addendum to the current service contract to implement.
Currently, capital projects in KCFD 40 are funded solely by Fairwood taxpayers. If Proposition 1 passes, those costs will be shared among all taxpayers in Renton RFA, reducing the financial impact of KCFD 40 capital projects on Fairwood taxpayers.
If approved, the number of KCFD 40 fire commissioners will eventually be reduced from five to three via future measures, and administrative responsibilities currently handled by the Board will be conducted by Renton RFA administrative staff. This will reduce the overhead and workload of KCFD 40 fire commissioners.
Additionally, if approved, KCFD 40 commissioners will have a greater presence on the Renton RFA Governance Board, going from one nonvoting member to two voting members. This will allow KCFD 40 to have a greater impact on the financial decisions made regarding the fire and emergency medical services delivered within Renton RFA’s jurisdiction, including Fairwood.
KCFD 40 and Renton RFA have had a contract for fire and emergency services for over 17 years. This measure seeks to provide KCFD 40 greater representation in their fire and emergency medical services governance, reduce overhead and workload for KCFD 40 fire commissioners, and provide cost sharing for things such as KCFD 40 capital projects by making the partnership permanent.
In this measure, annexation refers to merging KCFD 40 into Renton RFA’s jurisdiction specifically for fire and emergency medical services. Renton RFA has served KCFD 40, providing fire and emergency medical services, for over 17 years via contract. This measure would make that partnership permanent and eliminate the need for a contract.
No. Proposition 1 is regarding only the relationship between KCFD 40 and Renton RFA for fire and emergency medical services. KCFD 40 will continue to exist as a part of unincorporated King County.
No, the same firefighters and emergency personnel who currently serve KCFD 40 through the contract with Renton RFA will continue providing services if Proposition 1 is approved.
No, response times will not be impacted. Renton RFA will continue to provide fire and emergency medical services from the same stations currently serving the Fairwood area.
If approved, Proposition 1 would reduce overhead costs by eliminating contracts for IT and Fire Marshal services, reducing the administrative workload for KCFD 40 fire commissioners, and allow for a decrease in the number of KCFD 40 fire commissioners over time through separate measures.
Ballots are being mailed by King County on April 4, 2025. Voters must submit their ballots by April 22, 2025.